Songs and Movies to Improve your English

Songs and Movies to Improve your English

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I'd like to start this article with a reflection that came to me after returning from the movies with my daughter, where we watched Disney's new movie, "Inside Out 2". Songs in movies are truly a rollercoaster of emotions, even for adults. These songs evoke a wide range of feelings that you might never expect. They can bring tears to your eyes or make you smile, but they also act like a secret teacher helping you improve your English without you even realizing it. The songs that accompany the most impactful scenes are pure gold for practicing the language while immersing yourself in the magic of cinema.

Let me take you through a brief list of songs that personally touch my heart every time I hear them, giving me goosebumps. Whenever these songs come on the radio or play in a cafe, they immediately remind me of the movies they're from. Take, for example, the ballad from "Titanic" by Celine Dion, which touches your soul and may bring tears to your eyes, capturing the intensity of the love between Jack and Rose with every note. Then there's the hit from "Frozen," which not only won an Oscar—well-deserved in my opinion—but also became an anthem of freedom. Additionally, my daughter loves dressing up as Elsa, making it her favorite without a doubt.

And how about "La La Land," starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, which offers a unique perspective on the grand city of Los Angeles? Need motivation for the gym? Cue up Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger" from Rocky III. Another favorite of mine is Adele's "Skyfall," exuding elegance and sophistication from the soundtrack of a very cool film.

Moving on to songs that made me tear up while watching with my daughter, there's "Circle of Life" from "The Lion King." I still remember the despair on her face when Mufasa met his fate. Yet, this legendary song celebrates nature and our lives, reminding us of the importance of caring for the animals and the environment we share on this beautiful planet.

Songs from international movies and series not only enhance your cinema experience but also help you improve your English in an entertaining and effective way. It's like killing two birds with one stone or picking two carrots from the same basket (for the vegetarian readers!). Practice your pronunciation, expand your vocabulary, and immerse yourself in fascinating stories while enjoying these musical gems from the world of cinema!