Playlist for the 4th of July

Playlist for the 4th of July

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July the 4th in the United States, it's a day that holds significant meaning for all citizens, because it is the Independence Day. However, it's not just about being out on the streets withyour  family, setting off fireworks, and having barbecues with all your friends; music also plays a crucial role in complementing the entire celebration. The music heard on this day is quite diverse—it's not only based on the tastes and personalities of the families or groups of friends gathered but also depends on the time of day, becuase usually this celebrations starts early in the day and goes all the way till midnight.For instance, when my friends and I gather at my parent's house, during the afternoon, we play upbeat music to get into the right mindset, being grateful for all the oppportunities we have in our hands, and as the night begins and fireworks start, we switch to more festive and upbeat music.

On the 4th of July, as you walk through cities like Chicago, Dallas, or Boston in the U.S., you can hear everything from country music to rock, pop, and hip-hop playing on the streets. Each genre of music heard during this event tells a small yet beautiful story about what it means to be American.

Additionally, due to the significant Latin American migration to the country, we're starting to hear more reggaeton and bachata as well.It's a fascinating window into understanding different facets of this country's culture, simply by listening to the lyrics and melodies of these songs. The songs that make up the 4th of July playlist are the literal expression of patriotic anthems and reflections on who we are as a nation. Usually the music is related to a cultural enviroment, but in this specific date, music gets a huge political relevance.

They give us values and traditions that are important to the United States and to everyone that believe in freedom.Through these songs, we also learn important things about the traditions and symbols that define the United States of America. The lyrics speak of freedom, unity, patriotism, effort, and diversity. It's like experiencing a classroom lesson about what it means to be part of this society or getting a glimpse into the history that has been built over decades.In short, from my experiences spending this important date in cities across the U.S.,

I've noticed that 4th of July music provides an incredible experience. We celebrate America's independence and also learn a lot about its culture and history. Immersing oneself in these songs helps to understand how music can powerfully connect cultures and continually teach us more about who we are as a nation.